Monday, October 3, 2011

I can't even talk about it

No, really.  I can't even talk about it.  This is some risky business.  I kinda thought the freefall situation was situated a little and I'd have to change the name.  No chance.  The rip chord is just fluttering in my hands and a bunch of pots and pans are falling out of my pack.  This is really not recommended by the coalition of good gestures.  On a brighter note, I have another movie idea.

Not gonna get too far into it right now, but it involves a methy kinda guy in a trailer park and his life.  It's an interesting life.  Far more so than creative minds could devise.  It's gonna open with a quote, like in a narrative, with the guy saying, "The first time I bought cocaine in public was in Los Angeles, 1988...".  Boom!  Hooked, and it only gets better from there.  I really can't talk about some of the other stuff that's gone on.  But really, yikes!

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