Sunday, May 27, 2012

Road warrior III

Still warring, on the road.  I like it here.  Every time I take a step back, I just think to myself how glad I am to be alive.  I consider how fortunate I am to be in different places.  From the bow of the boat I was looking at Seattle and its city lights and the cranes in the distance.  All I could do was breath it in.  I caught myself rationalizing what I was feeling and let it go.  Let it be.

How much of what we experience as discomfort is the result of regret and worry about tomorrow?  For me, I know that I have a few regrets about burning some bridges, and this not because of the bridge being burnt but just not being honorable.  It gnaws on me at times.  And any rational person in my position would be worried about future security.  Many of us fret even though we have that security.

But when I sit to eat there is food.  When I inhale, there is air.  Every time I look around I see God and His finger prints.  How can one complain?  How, when we are redeemed, can anything bring trouble to us?  Do His promises fail?  They do not.  I feel promise in my bones and in the depths of my soul.  My existence is proof enough for me.  The birds who fly show me freedom.  I too will fly.  I often do.  In my mind.

What will come?  Who cares?  Whatever comes through that gate will be dealt with.  And I will have a greater chance of success if we do it together.  I gotta tell you.  I like Seattle.  I love my home of Sacramento too.  And the beach locales have their draw.  Now?  While I'm here?  This is home and I wish for no other.  This very moment, right now, whenever that may be is life.  The present is a gift.


Jeremy said...

Well done Mel

Cwatts said...

Road Warrior. \m/ We don't need another hero.