Monday, March 21, 2011

Remember the height from which you have fallen

Yikes!  The mac attack found this video on the Mac.  Uhhh, That guy behind the plate bears little or no resemblance to the guy pattering away with his sausage fingers on this computer.  In the video, I look like an uglier and more macho version of my mom.  Which is still pretty good, because she was very good looking.  These days it's a different story.  Time to get it together.  Fortunately my new pad in Fresno (there was emphasis on Fresno, with a little belligerence) isn't the cheesecake factory.  There are a few crucial staples, and by the looks of things, if I roam the neighborhood long enough, I will find a pitbull to chase me, further aiding in my fitness goals.  So, all is not lost.  And while it's unfortunate that none of my friends will see me, it may be good to step away, bone up on piano, go on a diet by default, and get plenty of cardio running from the dogs.  It's like Biggest Loser-Oak Park edition.  Sweet!


David Fernandes Jr. said...

I don't know who that guy was in that video but that was a serious back pick. I need to get on the pit bull training regimen too bro. Im on a diet though. It's called job transition. Working pretty good though.

Peter Anderson said...

laser hose. heard the yanks are lookin for a good backstop...

Cwatts said...

I'd drop everything I'm doing to catch bullpens for the Yanks.