Wednesday, February 16, 2011

She has a secret

So I made a video with my buddy Mike today. Pretty, pretty, pretty...pretty good.  Nuff said from me.  What do you think?  Mike is a stand up comedian, so check his channel out and look for him on the local standup scene.


David Fernandes Jr. said...

Phenomenal. Nothing more. Im facebooking this.

Cwatts said...

Thank you. I hoped you would like it. Now if only we can get "stanky p&$$" on there too, we'd be complete. Can you get Z over to the portrait?

Delly Dell 34 said...

hahahaha love it!!!

Cwatts said...

If Delly Dell loves it, who can not? Hey Dell, remember when we were freestylin in the front room with just the drums and tha mike through that little ass speaker?